• Awareness creation in Resource Efficient & Cleaner Production(RECP) and Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Practices
  • Training in RECP, Eco-Innovation(Lifecycle assessment), Low Carbon Production, energy efficiency and renewable energy, Industrial Symbiosis, Chemical Leasing and other related concepts that support green growth and the transition to green economy
  • Technical Assistance and In-plant RECP Assessments to foster implementation of RECP and other concepts as in (ii) above
  • Facilitate the transfer of Environmental Sound Technologies to manufacturing industries and service sector
  • Compilation of results and dissemination of up-to-date information on RECP technologies and practices in a user-friendly manner
  • Policy Advice to support transition to green and inclusive growth/Economy

Sugar Processing

Tea processing

Beverages industry

Leather Tanning

Pulp and Paper Manufacturing

Fish Processing


Textile Industries

Metal Industries

Food Processing

Schools and Hospitals

Hotel Industry